Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wow, this week has just flown by. Tomorrow is my first (again!) weigh in. Although, I have definitely made some food faux pas I am still excited to weigh in. Uh yeah, you heard me right; I am EXCITED to weigh in. I made some definite mistakes and I will learn from them. HA! a new fresh start. That is how I will look at my blunders and unhealthy choices. Just for today, I will look forward and make the next step count.

I have already learned something about myself this week. I fill out countless “diet” interview questionnaires to see what style fits me best. Well, I always say that I am NOT an emotional eater. WRONG! I am. There you have it. The cat is out of the bag. What the heck, the cat is not only out of the bag; it is on a blog on the internet for all to know. So there, now you know. I, Dawn, am an emotional eater. So you ask, “Dawn, how do you know this?” Well, let me tell you. As I sit here with terrible heartburn from last nights non emotional eating. My daughter came in for a surprise visit from New York late Thursday night and she had to leave last night. Yeah, she was only able to stay for 24 hours because she has finals to take on Monday and she had to drive 10 hours here and 10 hours back to college. Now you see why it was such a surprise and a whirlwind of a time. So, she had to go back. And I sat and shared a plate of Christmas Cookies with Steve. Yeah it was Steve’s fault. He is my partner in crime. He totally coerced me into this. I mean as I went out into the cold garage to the refrigerator out there (this is where I put the cookies so that I would stay out of them) I knew it was Steve that was making me do this. I mean when I go up and asked him if he wanted some cookies because I was going to get me some I knew then he was to blame. Hehehe so here I sit with heartburn, the elated happiness of having had my daughter here, the sadness that she had to go, and Steve to blame for all of this. Ok, so obviously it was my fault and not Steve’s (but, lets not tell him that just yet!) that I made the bad food choice and used cookies to deal with my emotions, so, win, lose, or draw when I weigh in tomorrow I WILL NOT be disappointed because, in all of this, I have learned.

So, just for now, I will make the next right choice.

Love, Peace, and don't cook with Grease :)

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